Our Story

Discover our story where passion meets innovation to create solutions that not only meet needs but also inspire a better future

What do we do?

We are one of India's leading medical diagnostic equipment organisations, dedicated to empowering medical professionals and institutions treating cardiac, gynaecology, and critical care patients nationwide. At Maestros, we offer an advanced portfolio of products and services, including patient monitors, electrocardiographs, defibrillators, pulse oximeters, fetal monitors, stress test systems and much more.

Our Values

At the heart of our organization are core values centered on innovation and continuous improvement, driving us to deliver superior customer satisfaction. Our most distinguished feature is our commitment to technological advancements through indigenous research and development. With state-of-the-art R&D and manufacturing facilities located in Mumbai, India, we excel in creating cutting-edge solutions tailored to the needs of our clients.

Our Vision

To specialize in identifying and adopting innovative technologies in electronics, embedded systems, and software for developing groundbreaking products in the healthcare field.

Our Mission

To deliver state-of-the-art, cost-effective end-to-end healthcare solutions that meet clinical requirements while exceeding expectations in performance, reliability, and service.